March 9th 2020

Colchester 6 A Side at The Northern Gateway Sports park


The Northern Gateway is currently under development and is scheduled to be completed by Jun/Jul 2020. We will have a confirmed start date by the end of March and will inform all of our teams that have singed-up in due course.

The Northern Gateway will be the biggest Sporting Development to land in Colchester!  Our 6 a side leagues will run on Wednesdays and Thursday evenings from 1900 to 2200. 

Councillor Nick Barlow, Colchester Borough Council’s portfolio holder for commercial services, said: "Colchester Borough Council is investing in this innovative facility to enhance Colchester’s reputation for sport and leisure, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for borough residents."

Be part of Colchester's finest 6 a side football leagues by joining up FREE today!

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