April 17th 2023

Ashton Sunday 6 a side league news 17th April 2023

The Ashton Sunday 6 a side league at Curzon Ashton Football Club was filled with excitement as teams gathered for a night of football fun. All teams were in attendance except for the Mike Bassett Allsorts, who were unfortunately unable to make it.

The night was full of action-packed matches, with teams battling it out on the field to score goals and take home the win. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as they cheered their favorite teams on and celebrated each goal scored.

Despite the absence of the Mike Bassett Allsorts, the league continued as planned and provided a fantastic evening of entertainment for all those in attendance.

The Ashton Sunday 6 a side league at Curzon Ashton Football Club continues to be a popular event for football enthusiasts and promises to deliver more thrilling matches in the future. Stay tuned for updates on the next round of matches!

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