Darlington Monday

Latest news from Darlington 6 a side league
We had a fantastic night of 6 a side football at Eastbourne Sports Complex on Monday, as we saw our Darlington teams put in some terrific performances throughout the night.Shalom beat Champagne Super Rovers in a close fought 2-1 victory and AFFC beat Eastbourne 6-1If your team would like to join the...
Latest news from Darlington 6 a side league
We had a fantastic night of 6 a side football at Eastbourne Sports Complex on Monday, as we saw our Darlington teams put in some terrific performances throughout the night.X Rated kept up their title challenge with a 4-1 win over Allstara.  Champagen Super Rovers put 5 past Eastbourne FC withou...
Latest news from Darlington 6 a side league
We had a fantastic night of 6 a side football at Eastbourne Sports Complex on Monday, as we saw our Darlington teams put in some terrific performances throughout the night.Champagne Super Rovers put 7 past darlounited  while Shalom got their campaing off to a 2-0 defeatIf your team would like t...
Latest news from Darlington 6 a side league
We had a fantastic night of 6 a side football at Eastbourne Sports Complex on Monday, as we saw our Darlington teams put in some terrific performances throughout the night.X Rated and Bunji CLub played a thrilling game, which finished 2-1 to X Rated while new team Pique Blinders made an impressive s...
World Cup Offer
We have an amazing offer during the world cup. Join our Darlington league for only £10 while the World Cup is on. Our usual entry fee is £30 so this is a great offer  - but it will only last as long as the tournament does so sign up now!!If your team would like to join the Darlington Monday lea...