John Hampden Grammar School
High Wycombe Thursday
Premier League Back To League Page
See how you stack up against others teams and compare stats across our High Wycombe league in the fixture tables below with up-to-date results. Our 6-aside league based in High Wycombe is running on a thursday night. Currently Double Pogba and Koke. takes the lead of Premier League with Club Tropicana x2 in second place.

Reckon you have what it takes to take on the current teams? Why not sign up and play 6-aside with Leisure Leagues.
06th Jun 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 1 - 1 United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 2 - 5 England Club Tropicana x2
Colombia The Packateers 5 - 0 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
United Kingdom inbredians 5 - 0 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 4 - 5 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
13th Jun 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 2 - 4 United Kingdom inbredians
United Kingdom CFB FC 0 - 5 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
Colombia The Packateers 4 - 0 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 0 - 0 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
England Club Tropicana x2 4 - 0 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
20th Jun 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 1 - 1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 0 - 5 Colombia The Packateers
United Kingdom inbredians 3 - 3 United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 0 - 3 England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 0 - 5 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
27th Jun 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
England Club Tropicana x2 1 - 2 United Kingdom inbredians
United Kingdom CFB FC 0 - 5 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 0 - 5 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 2 - 8 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
Colombia The Packateers 5 - 2 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
04th Jul 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 1 - 3 England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 2 - 1 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 4 - 3 United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom inbredians 5 - 0 Colombia The Packateers
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 5 - 2 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
11th Jul 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 4 - 5 United Kingdom inbredians
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 5 - 0 United Kingdom CFB FC
England Club Tropicana x2 3 - 5 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
Colombia The Packateers 1 - 1 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 1 - 2 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
18th Jul 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 2 - 2 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
United Kingdom CFB FC 0 - 5 England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom inbredians 2 - 1 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 5 - 5 Colombia The Packateers
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 3 - 2 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
25th Jul 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 1 - 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 5 - 3 United Kingdom inbredians
Colombia The Packateers 2 - 6 United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 2 - 5 England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 0 - 1 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
01st Aug 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 5 - 0 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
United Kingdom CFB FC 4 - 7 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
England Club Tropicana x2 5 - 0 Colombia The Packateers
United Kingdom inbredians 3 - 0 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 1 - 1 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
08th Aug 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 4 - 3 United Kingdom inbredians
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 5 - 0 Colombia The Packateers
England Club Tropicana x2 3 - 3 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
United Kingdom CFB FC 0 - 5 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 0 - 2 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
15th Aug 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 0 - 1 England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom inbredians 2 - 10 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 5 - 0 Colombia The Packateers
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 1 - 0 United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 2 - 0 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
22nd Aug 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
England Club Tropicana x2 0 - 3 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
Colombia The Packateers 1 - 2 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 1 - 0 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 2 - 5 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
United Kingdom CFB FC 2 - 2 United Kingdom inbredians
29th Aug 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 2 - 1 United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 0 - 3 United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
United Kingdom inbredians 5 - 1 England Club Tropicana x2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 3 - 0 United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 2 - 6 Colombia The Packateers
05th Sep 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 5 - 0 United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
United Kingdom CFB FC 2 - 2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 0 - 5 United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
Colombia The Packateers 2 - 1 United Kingdom inbredians
England Club Tropicana x2 3 - 1 United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
12th Sep 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 20:00 k/o England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom CFB FC 20:00 k/o United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 20:30 k/o United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 21:00 k/o Colombia The Packateers
United Kingdom inbredians 21:30 k/o United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
19th Sep 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 20:00 k/o United Kingdom inbredians
England Club Tropicana x2 20:00 k/o United Kingdom CFB FC
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 20:30 k/o United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 21:00 k/o United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe
Colombia The Packateers 21:30 k/o Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
26th Sep 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke. 20:00 k/o United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf
United Kingdom inbredians 20:00 k/o United Kingdom Is your Motherwell
United Kingdom CFB FC 20:30 k/o Colombia The Packateers
England Club Tropicana x2 21:00 k/o United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund
United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe 21:30 k/o United Kingdom Joe mumma fc
03rd Oct 2024 Game Info
Home Result Away
United Kingdom Joe mumma fc 20:00 k/o Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Double Pogba and Koke.
United Kingdom Smurfs on Turf 20:30 k/o United Kingdom CFB FC
Colombia The Packateers 20:30 k/o England Club Tropicana x2
United Kingdom Borouseia Dortmund 21:00 k/o United Kingdom inbredians
United Kingdom Is your Motherwell 21:30 k/o United Kingdom Fill Her Wycombe