Our 5 a side season in Heavitree concludes next Sunday and we still have two teams in the hunt for the title. Both The Elite and Oldham Pathetic won well last night to keep the title run going right into the last round of matches. Marc Joslin netted 5 for The Elite in their 11 - 5 win over Touched By Gough while Oldham Pathetic picked up a solid 4 - 1 win over Steau Needarest. Elsewhere we had a few teams missing this week which is always a shame. TBC picked up a points win with Exeter Gently not able to get a side together and Chevalier has simular issues giving Scorinbread a 5 - 0 points win.
Our new season will kick off on Sunday 9th October so if you are looking for some Sunday Night 5 a side, now is the time to register your team. It's still just £5 to do so if you sign up in September and we will look to get you straight in if possible.
Well done to our teams this week and thank you to Andy for coving as ref this week.
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