Guernsey Wednesday

Complete your player cards for a more interactive experience
It has been brought to my attention that players are wondering why they have not received any man of the match awards. This is due to not many players completing their player cards online so please complete your individual player cards, which can easily be set up via Facebook at the click of a...
Weekly update 9th November
Neville Wears Prada FC, Fritzl Palace, Naughty Treacles and Rodalelega Bombs all failed to turn up for their fixtures this week which is really unusual for the popular Guernsey 6 aside league.All of these teams have now been removed from the league with the only exception being Rodallega Bombs who h...
Weekly Update for November 2nd
We are now 2 games into the new season in Guernsey and we saw another great night of football with plenty of goal flying in throughout the night. There was only one team to not register a goal this week, but we won't name and shame them! There are still 6 teams with a 100% record but there are plent...
Welcome to the brand new Leisure Leagues website! The new site gives you access to all new player functions including changing team and players nationalities, uploading individual player cards, selecting your player ratings and joining the transfer market. From a team’s perspective you als...