Title: Macclesfield Wednesday Football League: Bantalona, Oi and No Idea Take Lead in Week 13
In the world of 6 a side football, Macclesfield Wednesday witnessed an action-packed Week 13. The Premier League, Division 1, and Division 2 were abuzz with thrilling matches, incredible goals, and top-notch performances from the teams.
Bantalona dominated in the Premier League, showcasing an impressive offence with an 8-0 victory over Champagne Super Rovers. Bantalona's top scorer Adam led the charge, putting three goals in the net and taking the lead for the highest number of goals in the division. Other notable matches in the Premier League included Scuttle Pigs FC narrowly defeating Gamblers FC with a 5-4 scoreline and Jasmine Jewels triumphing over Natsiccam with a 3-1 victory.
In Division 1, team Oi claimed a decisive 6-2 victory over Powells U16s, led by Jacko, who scored three goals to secure his position as the top scorer in Division 1. Other standout matches saw Purple Ake defeating Benteke Fried Chicken 6-2, and Silkmen Supremacy edging out Focca Juniors with a 2-1 win. Yer Birds A Steward FC also claimed victory over Borussia MunchOnFlapjack with a 2-1 score.
In Division 2, team No Idea pulled out a fantastic win against Cesc On The Beach with a 3-2 scoreline. Ben Woolley was the man of the match, scoring a crucial goal for No Idea and securing his spot as the top scorer in Division 2. Other teams in this division also put forth commendable efforts, with Dyslexia XI scraping past FairPlay2AaronHunt with a 4-3 victory, MTP blanking Neil's Diamonds 3-0, and Swiap overcoming Macclesfield Roadmen with a 2-0 win.
It was indeed a remarkable week in the Macclesfield Wednesday Football League. The teams are giving their all, and the fight for dominance continues in the coming weeks.