Neath Wednesday

Quality football on display
In the last games before the Christmas break, all teams produced some quality football and lots of goals were scored.  Tekkers were unable to make it but did let us know.There are no games next week, next games kick off on Wednesday 4th January 2017.Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all t...
Some close games this week
Not all teams were in attendance for our indoor 5 a side league this week as Robben your nans Persie and Club Tropicana Drinks cancelled prior to kick off.It looks like being a battle between Workies and Man Down for the title this season as a 6 point gap has now opened up between 2nd and 3rd.There...
Lots of Goals scored this week
Once again all teams were in attendance for our 5 a side indoor league.  Lots of goals were scored and some really good football on display.  Approaching the half way stage, Workies are still out in front and remain unbeaten but Man Down are hanging in there with them.
Another great night of football
This week was another great night of football with some really close games.  All teams were in attendance which is great to see.If any teams need to cancel can you please let us know so a friendly can be arranged?
Fill in Player Cards
Now your league is up and running, you can log in and complete your individual player cards, which can easily be set up via Facebook at the click of a button! This gives you the opportunity to use some of the fantastic features on our website, such as selecting which nation you would lik...