Nuneaton Monday

Monday 24th March - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Monday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance throughout the night including two new teams who made their debuts, leaving only ONE REMAINING VACANCY in the league!In the Premier League division, Ball of Duty claimed a tight vi...
Monday 17th March - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was another good evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Monday 6 a side league this week.In the Premier League Division, Mass Debaters and Ball Of Duty clashed in a close encounter, which saw the Debaters edge out Ball Of Duty 3-2 in a thrilling face-off. However, the highlight of the evening...
Monday 10th March - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Monday 6 a side league, with all teams in attendance throughout the night as scheduled.In the Premier League, there were dramatic scenes as Ball Of Duty narrowly overcame Ruud Man Merky with a 2-1 victory, proving their mettle in a highly cont...
Monday 3rd March - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football overall in the Nuneaton Academy Monday 6 a side league, with all teams in attendance throughout the night across both divisions, the only exception being Dad Bod who are due to return to action next week.In the Premier League, Ball Of Duty triumphed over Tooze Nil Up...
Monday 24th March - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Monday 6 a side league this week overall.  We were however disappointed to see non-attendances from Trent and Climate Don't Care, who've both been removed from the league.In the Premier League, Ruud Man Merky and Mandy Men locked horns, both team...