Nuneaton Sunday

Sunday 16th February - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was another fantastic evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 a side league this week, as all teams were in attendance for their scheduled matches across all four divisions and some well competed football was played!In the Premier League division, 'Murder on Zidanes Floor' pulled off...
Sunday 9th February - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football overall in the Nuneaton Sunday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance for their matches barring a couple.  We welcome back Netsix and Chill and Kroos Control next week, and have removed Eric Bantona from the league with immediate effect.In the P...
Sunday 2nd February - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Sunday 6 a side league this week with all teams in attendance for their matches across all divisions for the final round of fixtures of the campaign.In the Premier League division, Murder On Zidanes Floor managed to claim the throne by amassing a tota...
Sunday 26th January - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 a side league this week overall, with all teams in attendance for their matches barring two cancellations.  We look forward to seeing Gylfi's Young Boys and Conkers FC return as normal this weekend.In the Premier League division,...
Sunday 19th January - Nuneaton Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Sunday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance throughout the night across the three divisions, and some well competed matches played.In the Premier League, NetSixAndChill demonstrated their prowess on the pitch by beating Lads On Tour...