Nuneaton Sunday

Sunday 31st July - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance for their matches as scheduled throughout the night, barring a handful of teams who gave us the required 7 days notice of holiday dates which we appreciate.  We look forward t...
Another excellent evening in the Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 aside league held at the Academy Sports Centre with all teams in attendance apart from Yerr and Borussia Teeth. Credit to Borussia Teeth for taking the time to let us know but unfortunately Yerr faied to contact us and as they were first mat...
Sunday 17th July - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance throughout the night for their matches and some closely contested games played across the division, the only exception being Extra Special Ones who cancelled which we thank them for, and...
Sunday 3rd July - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 a side league this week overall.  We had No Cup FC and Yerrr away with 7 days notice but both are due to return on Sunday 10th July.  We have also removed Up The Tics from the league after they failed to attend for a second...
Sunday 26th June - Nuneaton Academy Round-Up
It was a good evening's football overall in the Nuneaton Academy Sunday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance for their matches as scheduled barring Up The Tics who had issues getting players to the league, but are due to return to action on Sunday 26th June.No Cup FC were huge 16-...