Walsall Thursday

Thursday 6th March - Walsall Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Walsall Thursday 6 a side league this week overall, with all teams in attendance throughout the night barring a cancellation from Gangsters Allardyce who have confirmed they will return as normal on Thursday 13th March.CF Garobatso and Bradbury Park Rangers op...
Thursday 27th February - Walsall Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Walsall Thursday 6 a side league this week, with all teams in attendance throughout the night and some well competed matches played across the division.In the Premier League division, the match between Bradbury Park Rangers and Dingleberrys ended in a stalemat...
Thursday 20th February - Walsall Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Walsall Thursday 6 a side league this week overall.  We were however disappointed to see a non-attendance from Dingleberrys who will be spoken to accordingly to confirm their return on Thursday 27th February.In the Premier League division, a nail-biting f...
Thursday 13th February - Walsall Round-Up
It was a good evening's football in the Walsall Thursday 6 a side league this week with all teams in attendance throughout the night across the division,In the first fixture of the night, Bradbury Park Rangers displayed an impressive performance against Taccy Rumpas Fc, sealing the game with a 4-1 v...
Thursday 6th February - Walsall Round-Up
It was an excellent evening's football in the Walsall Thursday 6 a side league this week with all teams in attendance for their matches as scheduled and some well competed matches played.Bradbury Park Rangers made a stunning comeback, overcoming Gangsters Allardyce with a 7-3 victory. This unexpecte...