Swan Lake confirmed another title win in Portchester last night as the Monday Night champions continue to dominate the league. Played 14 won 14 and a goal difference of 131 tells the story with Who Asked the closest challengers a whole 7 points behind. The rest of the league was quite competitive and all our teams enjoy the battle for 2nd / 3rd place but in terms of lifting the winners trophy there really isn't anyone getting close to The Swans. Eliot Roberts is this season Golden Boot winner on 31 goals ahead of team mate Jack Mitchell on 29. Well played to Dean Charles for his tally of 24 for Occasionally United.
Here are the results from the final round of games;
Borussia Donmund 7 - 12 Who Asked
Gangsters Allardyce 6 - 7 Occasionally United
Lightfoot 3 - 10 106 FC
Bundaland 0 - 16 Swan Lake
We say goodbye to 106 FC and Bundaland who are off to play in one of our leagues in Havant but we are set to welcome back Who8ThePie and Doormat FC who have both been in the league before. We wish them and all our teams well for the new season which starts on 15th May after the 2 weeks off because of the upcoming bank holiday Mondays.
Thanks to everyone for being part of this season, especially the captains who do a great job in organising their teams. Also a big thanks to Dan and his various refs that have managed match nights this season.
We will look to grow the league if we have enough interest so if you have a team looking for a fresh challenge with the end of the 11 a side season upon us, why not register now and we can make sure you are part of the new season in Portchester. Register for free via this link and we will be in touch to get you set up;
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