October 8th 2018

Reminder to all teams regarding time keeping!

Can all teams please be reminded that it is essential to ensure that you arrive at least 5-10 minutes BEFORE your scheduled kick off times on a weekly basis, with your full match fee ready to be paid to the match night supervisor.

There are a handful of teams who are arriving at the pitch bang on time or late for their fixture without the money ready to pay, this is then causing games to start late and a knock on effect with the league running late for the rest of the night.

We must make all teams aware that if you are late for your scheduled fixture, you run the risk of forfeiting the game 5-0 and being charged your full match fees as a result of this.

We have to be strict in enforcing this ruling with all teams as we only pay to book the pitch between the hours of 6pm-8pm every week and we run the risk of being charged by the centre if we continue to overrun.

If you have any queries regarding the above or the league in general you can contact Shaun at Head Office on 0333 123 2340.

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