October 15th 2018

Sunday 14th October - Stafford Round-Up

Overall it was a good evening of 6 a side football in Stafford on Sunday.  We were however slightly disappointed to see non-attendances from The SRS and Ivory Toasts.  Both have now been removed from the league immediately.  We thank Stafford Villa for calling ahead and informing us they couldn't raise a team, we look forward to seeing these return on Sunday 21st October.

We are delighted to welcome new teams 'Barcelona' and 'Meathead FC' to Division One  this week and we wish both good luck going into their first matches which keeps the league full to capacity.

If you have any queries regarding the league you can contact Shaun at Head Office on 0333 123 2340.

Good luck to all teams going into the next round of fixtures with Stafford's premier provider of small sided football.

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