Unfortunately due to a medical emergency the Alfreton Monday 6 aside league held at Sleetmoor United Football Club had to be cancelled after 2 games were played. Fortunately, the referee is back at home and seems to be on the mend!
For teams that played their full game, their scores will still count as per usual. However, teams that did not get to play their game will be credited for their game next week and scores will go down as a 0-0 draw. This means that the repeat fixtures towards the end of the season will count for both matches and will result in double points. All teams have been contacted about this arrangement.
Although the league is currently full, we are looking to extend it further, with one team on the waiting list we are looking for additional teams to join to make this extension happen. Therefore, if you and your friends are looking to join an exciting league, register your team details on our website today. For more information, give us a call on 0333 123 2340.
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