Paignton Wednesday

Another New Team Joins Paignton Wednesday 6 a side
ANOTEHR NEW TEAM JOINS PAIGNTON 6 A SIDEA warm welcome to another new team at our new Paignton Wednesday 6 a side league at South Devon College which starts on Wednesday 12th April. Good luck to Barely Athletic.NEW TEAMS - JOIN NOW - LIMITED TIME LEFT TO GET YOUR TEAM ENTEREDWe still have room to ad...
Another New Team Joins Paignton 6 a side Wednesday
ANOTHER NEW TEAM JOINS PAIGNTON 6 A SIDE WEDNESDAYWe are delighted to welcome another new team to our brand new Paignton 6 a side league at South Devon College. Good luck to Tates Angels in their first game on Wednesday. NEW TEAMS - STILL TIME TO JOIN - LEAGUE STARTS 12TH APRILIf you'd like to...
Individual Players can join too!
JOIN AS AN INDIVIDUAL PLAYER - PAIGNTON WEDNESDAY 6 A SIDEIf you have just moved to the area or there are two or three of you but not enough for a full team you can also register as an individual player. We can then add you to a team or if there are enough we will create a new team. Just use the lin...
New Team Joins Paignton 6 a side Wednesday!
NEW TEAM JOIN PAIGNTON 6 A SIDE WEDNESDAY - NEW LEAGUE STARTS 12TH APRILWe are pleased to welcome another new team to our new Paignton 6 a side Wednesday league at South Devon College. Good luck to Net Six And Chill when the new season kicks off on the 12th April.If you'd like to get your team enter...
New Team Joins Paignton Wednesday 6 a side
NEW TEAM JOINS PAIGNTON WEDNESDAY 6 A SIDEA warm welcome to MixMatch Utd who join our Paignton Wednesday 6 a side league which is now starting on Wednesday 12th April. Good luck for the season. More new teams announced in the coming days. If you'd like to get your team involved in our brand new...