Sutton Coldfield Sunday

Burton 6 aside league
Looking for a team? Well once you fill in your individual player card, you will also have the opportunity to join the ‘Transfer Market’, where teams looking for a single player can then contact you.It is easier than ever to join, so to get started now just ask your team captain to invite you vi...
Places available for immediate start
The Sutton Coldfield 6 aside league has limited places available to start asap. Please sign up online to avoid disappointment. Free entry for a limited time only. If you have any questions regarding the league you can contact Head Office on 0333 123 2340 or your local area manager Frazer on 074...
New Season Sutton Coldfield 6 aside league Birmingham
The new Sutton Coldfield 6 aside league season starts this coming Sunday with limited spaces available. Please sign up online to avoid disappointment.If you have any questions regarding the league you can contact Head Office on 0333 123 2340 or your local area manager Frazer on 07403 069 819 / fraze...
Sutton Coldfield 6 aside league Birmingham
It was an excellent evening of 6 a side football at the Sutton Coldfield 6 aside league which saw all teams in attendance throughout the night.if you have any questions regarding the league you can contact Head Office on 0333 123 2340 or your local area manager Frazer on 07403 069 819 / frazerreid@l...
Referees we need you
Anyone that would like to apply to be a Referee/Match Night Supervisor in one of our leagues please apply online. If you want to League Manage please specify this in your applicationYou will be strongly urged to discipline players at every opportunity should they not obey your instructions. You are...