From now on all man of the matches will be inputted via the
player cards, and not via match reports. So please could every player sign up a
player card via the website (takes one minute.) Which ever player card has the
most man of the matches by the end of the season will win the coveted Leisure
Leagues player of the season award!
Examples of players who were awarded man of the match in the Monday and Tuesday leagues but do not have a player card:
Dallas Cowboys – Shaun Middleton
Wii Not Fit – Lee Rigg
Still Not Athletic – Gary Seagrave
Borussia Teeth – Tom Gascoigne
FC Harry Redneck - Kamil Miroslav
Egg Fried Reus - Bill Cooper
Expected Toulouse - Jake Bradford
If you are the best player on the pitch every week in the Mansfield Leisure Leagues then don’t
let your hard work go wasted by not having a player card!