Retford Tuesday

End of a Season
The current season at your league has drawn to a close and it’s time to dish out the winners medals and get that champagne off ice! Congratulations to all teams for a successful season, Leisure Leagues would especially like to congratulate league winners in both divisions - YOUNG AT HEART and...
Weekly News
Some great games again this week with all teams in attendance. Out on Bale have now left the league and with 1 game to go they will not be replaced.In the Premier Division, the top 2 played out a 0-0 so it is going down to the last game of the season.In Division 1 the top 2 went head to head and Bri...
Weekly News
It was another great night this week in the Retford Tuesday league with all teams in attendance with the exception of OUT ON BALE who did let head office know they could not attend. 
Fantastic Evening
It was a fantastic night this week in the Retford Tuesday league with all teams in attendance with the exception of OUT ON BALE who did let head office know they could not attend due to transport issues. As always great games and lots of goals.With 3 weeks of the current season remaining both divisi...
It was a good night on the whole in the Retford league once again with all teams attending on the night.We did have to give out 2 yellow cards for abusive language toward match officials. Please can we remind all players to respect the referees and their decisions please.