Abingdon Wednesday

Abingdon 5 a side Football League
Season 5 Round 4 of Abingdon Wednesday Night 5 a side LeagueIn the Premier LeagueDidcot Eagles 11 vs Ale Stars 5Dyslexic Untied 11 vs Slough Posse FC 1Pique Blinders 6 vs Lallanas in Pyjamas 3Oxford United Rejects 8 vs Blunderland AFC 5In Division 1Stroke Titty 11 vs The Resident Rejects 1HARAMBE FC...
Abingdon 5 a side Football
Round 2 of Wednesday Night results updateWith Premier League holders Dyslexic Untied proving that they are no 2 trick championship winning pony with a comprehensive 8-1 victory over Didcot Eagles, Ales stars and Oxford United Rejects played a close match with the latter edging it 3-2.In a derby...
Wednesday Night Football 5 a side season 3Congratulations to Dyslexic United for Winning the Premier League Title,and to Didcot Eagles Player of the Season Danny "Irish"Nicholls".Season 4 has upgraded to a League change of two 8 Team Divisions, making a longer season filled with more sweat and more...