All the latest news for the Towcester 6 a side Monday league direct from the Towcester Centre for leisure.
It was a good night overall in the league as unfortunately we had a couple of teams not in attendance. Blakesly did give us their 7 days notice to confirm they wouldn't be there this week and have confirmed they will be back next Monday. Unfortunately Bayern GOC once again failed to attend and as its there second week in a row of not being there they will now be removed from the league.
While this is a shame for the league it does create a space for any team looking to join the league and spaces are very rare so don't delay as it won't be around for long and we are offering just £10 entry fee until 10th July.
Don't forget you can join the FACEBOOK GROUP for all the latest news and views on the Towcester 6 a side Monday league.
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