Following an unfortunate set of events officials cannot run
the league Sunday night. I have tried to get hold of everyone but were unable
to contact you all before I finished today. I understand this may cause some
frustration as last week the venue cancelled on us, so once again I apologise.
The fixture for the 01/09/24 has been cancelled and it has
moved to the 06/10/24. If you have made payment for the game on the 01/09/24 it
will pass over to the 08/09/24 fixture.
I have been able to get hold of some of you today, but I
have left voicemails for the ones I could not get hold of.
Should you need to contact me please feel free to do so but I
will not be back in the office until 08.00am on Monday the 02/09/24. The office
will be staffed, and you can ring but I wont be back in until Monday morning.
Once again, I apologise for the situation. This is not how
we run leagues, and the six-week holiday is a rough time for the leagues due to
last minute issues. I am progressing forward with a vigorous recruiting drive
for stable consistent referees at the league. Should you know anyone who might
be interested in a referee position I am all ears. Please get them to give me a
call on 03331232340.