May 13th 2024

Monday 13th May - Worthing Round-Up

It was a good evening's football to end the season in the Worthing Monday 6 a side league this week with divisions decided as there was still plenty to play for on the final week of the campaign!

In the Premier League, Worthing Rovers clinched themselves another title by securing a superb victory over Link Romania with a score of 7-2, tallying a total of 24 points and an impressive 12 wins throughout the season.

In Division 1, 3 For 100? reigned supreme, securing the championship with 19 points and 9 wins. Their victory was cemented with a superb 7-3 win against Cream of the South. LA DAIRY MILK, however, put on an impressive display with a 7-4 victory over Pathetico Madrid.

Over in Division 2, Brexit Ball V2 proved their mettle by clinching the league title with 23 points and 11 wins. 

Rounding out the league in Division 3, Asda United took home the glory with 22 points and 11 wins. Their 2-0 win over Stella Sounders saw them take the glory in a title decider.

We will be in touch with all teams to confirm details of the new season's fixtures this week, for the campaign which kicks off on Monday 20th May.

Join the Worthing Monday 6 a-side league here or call us at +44 333 123 2340 for more information

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