July 20th 2021


Another good week in the Worthing Monday 6 aside league held at Worthing Leisure Centre although Clit Buster FC, Pukki 22, Crack Attack FC and Degree Six Recruitment were all made to stay at home by the dreaded ping from the NHS. Their isolation will be over for next week so we expect they will return as normal. However, they did do the correct thing and made us aware that they were not able to attend so we were able to arrange matches for their opposition.

Unfortunately we have removed Scw from the league this week due to their ongoing abuse aimed at our officials. We do not tolerate anyone disrespecting fellow players, teams or officials  let alone abusing them. They have been removed with immediate effect and we will be welcoming a new team in time for this weeks fixtures.

Although this league is currently full we are always on the lookout for new teams. If you are interested in joining then please enter your team details online or get in contact on 0333 123 2340 if you require further information.

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