April 24th 2019


An unusual evening in the Kidderminster Sunday league as Worcester Wanderers, Mixer FC and Game Of Throwins all failed to attend their fixtures this week. Whilst we appreciate it was Easter Sunday, we still require teams to contact us at head office so that we can arrange matches for your opponents. We will be contacting Worcester Wanderers and Mixer FC to ensure that they are back for this weeks matches but Game Of Throwins will now be removed from the league as this was the second consecutive week in which they failed to attend despite confirming with head office that they would be there.

We do have a couple of spaces in this league for an immediate start and are offering FREE ENTRY to the league for a limited period. This offer means that you will be saving £30 on the usual fee and will expire on the 29th April. If you are interested in joining this league, please enter your team details online or get in contact on 0333 123 2340 if you have any questions.

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