February 27th 2024

Kidderminster Tuesday 5 a side news 2024-02-27

Play in the Kidderminster Tuesday 5-a-side football league powered by Leisure Leagues

The Kidderminster Tuesday football league is in full swing with its third week proving to be a thrilling show of skill, strength and competition. The Premier League division saw a number of one-sided games, with teams demonstrating their determination and zeal.

Kidderminster Mafia showed their dominance in a 15-3 victory against Beercelona FC. The Mafia proved they are a force to be reckoned with, showcasing a strong offence that Beercelona FC simply couldn't contain.

Most Valuable Player - Jack Bimson (Kidderminster Mafia)  

Meanwhile, McGinnAndTonic claimed a decisive 10-2 win over the Goal Goal Power Rangers. Their stunning teamwork and strategic play put them comfortably ahead, leaving the Power Rangers struggling to catch up.

Most Valuable Player - Devon Allerton (McGinnandTonic)

In another match, DahmersInPyjamas defeated FC Stourporto with a score of 13-4. The exceptional performance of J.P, who scored a remarkable seven goals, propelled DahmersInPyjamas to their impressive win. J.P currently holds the title of top scorer in the Premier League division, a testament to his prowess on the field.

Most Valuable Player - Leo Moulsdale (DahmersinPyjamas)

Finally, Expected Toulouse triumphed over Misfits with a score of 14-6. This victory was, in no small measure, due to the star player, Harry Wilkinson. His outstanding performance on the field earned him the title of the most valued player of the week in the Premier League division.

The Premier League division of the Kidderminster Tuesday league continues to witness intense competition as teams vie for the top spot. Each game is a thrilling display of talent, teamwork, and the sheer love of football. With the fierce competition and high stakes, the remainder of the season promises to be nothing short of exciting.

For more information about the league follow us online - Instagram and Tiktok @ll_6_5aside, Whatsapp and Facebook - Leisure Leagues Kidderminster and Yotube short @leisureleagueskiddyrubery

Join the Kidderminster  Tuesday 5 a-side league here or call us at +44 333 123 2340 for more information Back to articles page